Welcome to San Marcos Boys Aquatics. This is the central place of communication for our Royals team this season. On this site, you'll find rosters, schedules, download forms, share photos, and find any necessary information in regards to our season. Weekly email updates will be sent every Sunday evening to help keep you up to date on all current information.
Weekly Update
Sunday, September 19
Good morning everyone,
This week we are co-hosting the Santa Barbara JV Tournament, details about the schedule will be sent out later this week. All Varsity and Frosh athletes are expected to help run the desk and snack shack. This Friday, Varsity will play La Serna at DP at 7pm.
Our backpacks have arrived. After much consideration, these backpacks get beaten up pretty quickly. So we will not rent these out. Instead we will make these available for purchase at much lower cost to you. Normal retail price of each backpack is $40; we will be selling these backpacks for $20. If you are interested in purchasing an SM backpack, cash or checks can be made payable to "SM Boys Aquatics"
Please consider joining the San Marcos Athletics Boosters Club
The San Marcos Royals Athletic Boosters exists to help organize, fundraise, and provide for transportation for all athletics at San Marcos High School. They also fund some of our needs that aren’t covered by the district sports fund available to us for our program.
Fundraising for all 22 sports is accomplished through purchasing of Booster memberships.
We encourage all athletes and their families to purchase a blue or red membership. Order early and gain admittance to all home games for all sports with your Booster card!
The San Marcos Athletics Boosters can help us reach our fundraising goals. They are asking for 80% participation within our program to fully fund any of our purchases. We are currently only at 15% participation. You can find more details about joining boosters at this link: https://smathleticbooster.club/
This year boosters has moved to an easier platform letting us purchase our memberships online! Please purchase your blue booster membership here:
A Blue Booster membership helps with transportation to away games, referee fees, facility improvements, maintenance of vans, and team wish list items for ONE athlete.
Includes TWO ( 2 ) Adult Royal Sport Activity Cards for free entrance to all San Marcos High School home games. Excludes CIF games.
You can purchase a red booster membership here:
A Red Booster membership helps with transportation to away games, referee fees, facility improvements, maintenance of vans, and team wish list items for ONE athlete.
Includes ONE ( 1 ) Adult Royal Sport Activity Cards for free entrance to all San Marcos High School home games. Excludes CIF games.
After you purchase your membership you will be receiving physical booster membership cards in the mail a few weeks later. You can use these for entrance to all SMHS sports except CIF games.
Please reach out to me if you have any questions and thank you for supporting boosters and San Marcos high school aquatics!
This week's schedule:
Group 1: 6-8am Practice
Group 1/2: 2:30-3:30pm Weights
Group 2: 3:30-5pm Practice
Group 2: 6:30-8:45am Practice
Group 1: 2:30-5:30pm Practice
Group 1: 6-8am Practice
Group 1/2: 2:30-3:30pm Weights
Group 2: 3:30-5pm Practice
Group 2: 6:30-8:45am Practice
Group 1: 2:30-5:30pm Practice
FROSH: NO PRACTICES; must help run JV Tournament
JV at the SB JV Tournament (Schedule TBA)
Varsity: 7pm game time vs La Serna @DP
Deck Time: 5:30pm
Game Attire for JV and Varsity: Black Game Day Polos
Varsity and Frosh OFF (must volunteer at JV tournament)
JV @SB JV Tournament
Here is the schedule for the Varsity only Villa Park Tournament: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OieZPWYh58icX3ECqowFeOdgEV49YI4i/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113786245507918661090&rtpof=true&sd=true
Varsity athletes must communicate with all teachers now, You will be missing classes from 9/30-10/1.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.